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Furthermore many potential risk factors were examined
Furthermore, many potential risk factors were examined in the current study, which contained a broad array of factors. Based on such a classification, groups of some factors were earlier referenced in the literature. Although the distribution of association between some risk factors and SRH were sim
br Case report An year old
Case report An 81-year-old man with ischemic cardiomyopathy underwent ICD gsk-3 for primary prevention in February 2007. The patient had never experienced spontaneous VF. A Riata™ 1570 dual-coiled lead (St. Jude Medical, Sylmar, CA) was passed through the left cephalic vein and connected to an At
The CONNECT trial conducted by Crossley
The CONNECT trial conducted by Crossley et al. [22] was also a multicenter, prospective, randomized evaluation of wireless RM, which included 1997 patients implanted with ICDs or CRT-Ds. They were randomly assigned to the remote or in-office groups and followed up for 15 months. The median time from
cisapride In the past two decades several studies
In the past two decades, several studies have consistently found that up to one-sixth of cancers worldwide are attributable to infectious pathogens. Cancers caused by infectious agents present unique opportunities for prevention and treatment; therefore, a detailed understanding of how infections co
In patients who develop bone metastases these are
In patients who develop bone metastases, these are commonly diagnosed at the time of their initial work up for their metastatic disease (∼80%) [7], although others can develop skeletal metastases at any time during the disease course. The consequences of bone metastases include pain (∼80%) [3,6,8] a
At the mechanistic level our
At the mechanistic level, our results strongly suggested that the cholestatic protective effect of STS was most likely accounted for by the activation of LXR, a nuclear receptor known for its anti-cholestatic activity. The activation of LXR was supported by the induction of typical LXR target genes,
La Coordinadora entiende como imposible
La Coordinadora entiende como imposible la reconstrucción de su pueblo sin el territorio, sin el control territorial. Debemos recordar que en el pensamiento de la cam, la memoria del agravio hace legítima su visión de despojo y el reconocimiento que, en su momento, los mapuches tuvieron, que implicó
γ-Secretase inhibitor IX El tenor de aquella declaratoria
El tenor de aquella declaratoria se escribió con estas palabras: De este modo, y al margen de otras consideraciones que pudieran hacerse al respecto, para el caso que nos ocupa es importante significar que la iniciativa mexicana acabó tapiando las puertas de la onu γ-Secretase inhibitor IX la Españ
br Current approaches to HIV prevention typically target
Current approaches to HIV prevention typically target people who are identified as, or self-identify, with being at risk. In Africa, 74% of new HIV infections are among adolescent girls aged 15–19 years, and AIDS-related illnesses are the leading cause of death among adolescent girls and women of
In this study all tumors were Campanacci stage which is
In this study, all tumors were Campanacci stage 3, which is a significantly higher proportion than in our database [9]. Such a high stage usually suggests that a tumor is highly aggressive and may be a high-risk factor for lung metastasis. Previous reports have also suggested that the stage of a GCT
ERS and BrS are thought to
ERS and BrS are thought to represent 2 manifestations of the JWSs. Both syndromes are associated with vulnerability to development of polymorphic VT and VF leading to SCD [1–3,15] in young adults with no apparent structural aa utp disease and occasionally to sudden infant death syndrome [25–27]. The
br En el ciclo de novelas que de una forma
En el ciclo de novelas que de una forma u otra giran alrededor de la violencia y del narcotráfico, Cóbraselo caro atraviesa todos esos textos para preguntarse, por un lado, por la génesis de la violencia mexicana y por otro, para manifestar el deseo de una limpieza hallada en el modelo de mundo de
rsv virus As la historia a la vez ejemplar e ilustrativa
Así, la historia, a la vez ejemplar e ilustrativa, es un elemento aglutinador de la identidad del pueblo mexicano pues conforma la narración unificadora necesaria para fusionar, en una identidad única, a la sociedad mexicana. Por ello, para Vigil, la enseñanza de la historia convertiría “a los habit
With the publication of this month s issue we mark
With the publication of this month\'s issue, we mark \'s first birthday. I hope you will allow me to effuse for a moment in the manner of a new parent discovering the fascination of her offspring\'s everyday achievements… Since its conception in March, 2013, the infant has maintained a healthy int
Estos cuatro momentos expresan los pasos
Estos cuatro momentos expresan los pasos más importantes del desprendimiento de la crítica y la práctica literaria en relación con la política partidista. Es decir, son tomas de posición estético-literarias que abrigan en su interior tomas de posición política que, niclosamide la postre, socavan los
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